Stal Tech deals with the design, production and installation of steel halls, employs experienced designers and specialists in the field of production and installation, as well as offers comprehensive service. Here are the details.
The main steel construction of the hall is composed of frames including load-bearing foundation pillars and roof beam. The roof structure is made of galvanised z-bars of higher-strength steel. The secondary steelwork, consisting of brace and girt, is vital as well.
12 m 15 m 18 m 20 m 24 m | min. 10 m | min. 3 m | 5,0 rm for snow load zone 3 6,0 rm for snow load zones 1 and 2 |
Stal Tech designs and installs constructions of any dimensions – we are not limited only to the typical dimensions.
The cladding of our steel halls may be made of sandwich panels (if the heat insulation protection is needed) or trapezoidal sheets (as the protection from the influence of weather conditions). On the customer’s demand, our steel halls may have additional facilities, including: launders and gutter pipes, windows, door, gates, skylights and smoke dampers.
Our investments are implemented in a comprehensive way, starting from the procedures and designing to the commissioning of the finished hall. We help our customers in obtaining all the relevant permits, as well as we discuss with them every single detail of the project. We try to both consider the suggestions of the customer and recommend the best solutions. Once the project is accepted, we start the construction works. Our work is not limited only to the production and installation of steel elements – we offer groundworks, laying foundations, flooring and installation finishing as well.
Before the elements of the hall are brought to the construction site, we conduct their trial installation. The process is the same as the final construction. Why do we choose to conduct it? Because it ensures both our company and the customer that all the elements perfectly fit each other. Moreover, we are sure that our steel halls and other constructions may be used by our customers for many years.
From the beginning of our business, we try to meet the needs of our customers. Thus, we offer the steel constructions with the possibility of extension. The solutions suggested by our designers are easy to adapt and possible to extend them in future. The development of the company and new needs of the business activity may be accompanied by the adjustment of the constructed buildings.
Are you interested in investing in steel halls? You may trust our company and use a reliable and light construction for many years. You can see our offer and find the information on the possibilities of use of our constructions.